Counsellor, B.Ed., M.A., CCC
Calgary, AB

Role: Trauma-informed Counsellor – Trainer
Posting Period: April 13-26, 2023 (2 weeks)
Prof. Skills: Counselling (Trauma, PTSD, anxiety disorders),
Psychology, Teaching and Coaching

Want to serve as an HFI Volunteer like Debbie did?
Debbie’s Story of Volunteer Service
It was both a privilege and honour to have an opportunity to volunteer with Hands and Feet International and provide trauma informed training to support iHub Africa Organization. The Innovation iHub is a project that’s main focus is providing opportunities for young adult South Africans who have an aptitude to learn digital skills but because of their economic journey would never afford access to an university or college education.
Here is my story……..
It all started over a year and half ago when I was given the opportunity to join Jordan Bell and Robin McColl to offer our expertise as trauma informed professional counsellors. At first, we met regularly with the facilitators through zoom to consult with them in their challenges in working with students who have been impacted by trauma, which then impacts their learning. While our time online was both supportive and beneficial – some things are just better delivered in person.
Thanks to the invitation of Andy and Sonya Boettcher we were able to take the next steps and over the next several months we began to put together a curriculum and resources that would meet the needs of the different groups we would meet which included iHub leaders, coaches, students and the Hillsong Church leadership. We presented both formally and informally, depending upon the group, things unfolded organically and it was both rewarding and challenging.
The biggest blessing from it all, was to see the reciprocal influence that happens in both the giving and receiving. Being in the presence of the iHub leadership team and coaches and seeing their desire to give of themselves fully along with a hunger to learn was inspiring. Regardless of their obstacles they continue to support the students in their challenges and believe wholeheartedly in their ability to learn and develop. I know great things are possible when this kind of support happens. The students were also truly remarkable in their willingness to be open, vulnerable and support one another in their challenges. It was really lovely to witness this! Additionally, our time spent with Hillsong leadership was timely in providing them understanding of trauma and the value of self-care. Many seeds were planted on both side, and now with special care and attention we can trust that what was given and received will take root and flourish. I look forward to see how it all continues to unfold………
Last but not least, who we go on the journey with, also leaves it mark. Jordan and Robin, it has been a gift to have had this opportunity to volunteer with you in this capacity. You have gifted me with your love for God, your gracious spirit, generosity, and your serving in authentic way. Andy and Sonya, I have always admired the sacrifices you have made to follow a calling to serve globally, I know it has come with sacrifices along the way, it is inspiring to see the impact you are having on following your vision to transform lives and the trajectory on many students in SA. I have so many wonderful memories of all the experiences we had from seeing the beautiful sites in South Africa to riding in jeep at Botlierskop game reserve thanks to our wonderful hosts!
If you are looking for a worthy cause and want to make an impact, I highly recommend volunteering with this organization. I know life changing things happen when we volunteer our time, our heart and our skill set to make a difference in the lives of others for both ourselves and those we serve!